新视野大学英语读写教程第四册unit3答案 Section A Vocabulary III. 1. raw 2. convicted 3. compensation 4. not... [查看全文]
新视野大学英语4课后答案 读写教程Unit2课后练习答案:Section A Comprehension o f the text 1. He lived a poor an... [查看全文]
Section A III. 1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate... [查看全文]
对于学习经验,我觉得每一个人情况都不一样,学习方法也必须适合自己。 [查看全文]
我们从小就知道,在人际交往中,我们应该学会说不。不同于中文,英语(课程)里不有no, not 和 not to 三种表达方式,每种各有不同... [查看全文]
Heartworm refers to a relationship or friendship that you can't get out of your head, which you thought ... [查看全文]
说到这个萌词就不能不提它的发明者:美国女作家Sylvia Wright。1954年11月,Wright在《Harper's Magazine》上发表的《萌得绿女士... [查看全文]
Underload syndrome refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation at work.... [查看全文]
简单的调调,重复的歌词,听两遍能跟着哼,听三遍就会唱。它,就是传说中的口水歌! 我们来看一段相关的英文报道 We've all... [查看全文]
University Students Cry Foul Over Compulsory Labor Program中国大学强迫学生清扫校园引争议Cleanliness is crucial to acade... [查看全文]