abstainvi. 1.弃权2.(from)戒除A: That was an absurd joke.B: Maybe, but it was still funny.absurda. 荒谬的,荒唐的A: T... [查看全文]
AA: What is NY an abbreviation for ?B: New York.abbreviationn.缩写, 缩写词A: You always abide by the law.B: Yes,... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 Inviting a friend to dinnerLaurance- When can we expect you for dinner? Can youcome tonight?Soony-... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 CAR INSURANCElaurance-I need to get car insurance.Ya got any ideas?Soony--- Well,you could try ny ... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 BUYING A SECOND-HAND CARLaurance- What kind of a car do you have?Soony--- An old one.Laurance- I... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 GETTING SOMETHING FIXED(between customer and repairman)Laurance- How long do you think it'll tak... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 EXPECTING A PHONE CALLLaurance-Was i hat the telephone ringing?Soony- I didn't hear anything.Lau... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 WHERE ARE WE?Laurance-Where on earth are we?Soony- Judging by all the traffic, I'd say we'... [查看全文]
英语口语情景对话 CATCHING A BUSLaurance- Is this where I catch the bus for the zoo?Soony- You can take a T-30 f... [查看全文]
Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? I'd like some Italian food. Which restaurant do you ... [查看全文]