为了进一步推动我国大学英语教学,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会实施口语考试(CET-Spoken English Test)。由于近年来,参加口语考试的... [查看全文]
英语的学习应该是平衡的,英语口语在英语的日常使用中占据着较高的比重,口语部分往往又是人们容易忽略的部分,因此小编汇总了八招,希望对... [查看全文]
1. What's your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. Where were you come from?4. What kind of ... [查看全文]
考前热身,了解你的搭档考试之前,考官会对所有考生进行随机分组,通常三个人一组,会给一定时间让你们交流,这就是所谓热身。千万不要小瞧... [查看全文]
英语四六级口语提问中常见问题句子汇总3: 102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why? [查看全文]
英语四六级口语提问中常见问题句子汇总2: 51. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?52. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How? [查看全文]
英语四六级口语提问中常见问题句子汇总1:1. What's your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. Where do you come from? [查看全文]
英语四级口语通关必备:1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗? [查看全文]
英语四级口语常用300个短语句子:what's your asl 你的,年龄,性别,地点 (聊天用的) how are you doing (or: how you doiin) 你好。 whats up... [查看全文]