With the popularity of the Internet, the way people communicate has been revolutionized. People are now able to ... [查看全文]
Only a generation ago, Mauritania's capital city was many day's walk from the Sahara. Today it is in the... [查看全文]
阅读下面的短文,找出其中的十个错误并改正。I am a college student. I live in a dormitory which is located on the cam... [查看全文]
试题:Mary and I have been friends for many years. We always go to the cinema together, and she often lend me... [查看全文]
谓语动词(一) 谓语动词的主谓一致①主谓分割原则例1:To the citizens of the United States, the bald eagle, America's ... [查看全文]
一)、上下文语义方面的错误 1、反义词 这是短文改错中出现频率较高也是短文改错中最具特色的一种错误类型,这类错误必须在透彻理解上... [查看全文]
英语四级改错练习题及答案 Word came from California of a new weapon in the war on household pests.Two scientists... [查看全文]
综合部分是新四级中比较有新意的一部分。其特点是题型选择多样,并有一定比例的主观题。新四级中取消了老四级中考察语法词汇的结构与词汇部... [查看全文]
1. Not only the student disturb the authority of the older generation he can threaten the social system as a w... [查看全文]
在英语四级考试中,很多考生都视改错题为弱项,但是在掌握了一定的技巧后多加练习就会有很大的提高,正所谓熟能生巧,这一点是值得肯定的。 [查看全文]