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2018-08-31初中英语作文:伤心的一天(日记)A Sad Day(Diary)

Last fridayevening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike thatwas stolen last term.... [查看全文]

2018-08-31初中英语作文:我自己 Myself

I’m a student. I will go to highschool this September. I’m very excited about it. It is my dream to... [查看全文]

2018-08-30初中英语作文:我的生活 My Life

Asa middle school student, my priority is study, which occupies most time andenergy in my life. Therefore, my li... [查看全文]

2018-08-30初中英语作文:失物招领 lost and found

When I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of sc... [查看全文]

2018-08-30初中英语作文:为妈妈做顿饭 Cook a Meal for Mother

Todayis Women's Day. I think it would be one of the most beautiful memories in mymother's life.今天是妇女... [查看全文]

2018-08-30初中英语作文:我的金钱观 My View on Money

Manypeople regard money as the most important thing in their life, but I don’t agreewith them. There are s... [查看全文]

2018-08-30初中英语作文:学校里一件难忘的事An Unforgettable Thing in School

One of my roommateoften talk when he sleeps. He talked about allkinds of things.For example ,last night, I had ... [查看全文]

2018-08-29初中英语作文:我最爱的人The Person I Love The Most

My eldersister is the person I love the most. She is two years older than me. We growup together, play togethe... [查看全文]

2018-08-29初中英语作文:我喜欢游泳 I Like Swimming

I'mkeen on swimming, because I find it’s so cool and relaxing. In summer days, it'salways very hot.... [查看全文]

2018-08-29初中英语作文:我最喜欢的课程——英语 My Favorite Subject---English

I like English most, because English is so popular these days. As far as I’m concerned, English is a well... [查看全文]