Last week, I finished my middle school life and I would be in high school soon. I had my graduation ceremo... [查看全文]
Dear Sir or Madam:亲爱的女士或者先生:Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the In... [查看全文]
Last week, my friend asked me to visit his hometown with her, she told me that her hometown was very beaut... [查看全文]
Nervous final exam is coming soon.How do we do for final exam?紧张的期末考马上就要到了,我们应该要怎么准备期末考呢?In ... [查看全文]
Nowadays Many people joined the volunteer provide more voluntary service.当今社会,很多人都选择加入志愿者,提供更多志愿服... [查看全文]
When I was in middle school, I heard the English song Baby One More Time. Then I saw the music record, th... [查看全文]
David Beckham, his family is believed to be the coolest family in the world. He has three handsome boys and... [查看全文]
Last week, I went to the theater with my friends, we wanted to see the hot movie, The Fast and the Furiou... [查看全文]
Mother's love is the greatest in the world. one evening it was raining hard and it was very dark outside. ... [查看全文]
I'm writing to discuss about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school. We do have dif... [查看全文]