A Part-time Job 打工I heard that in America teenagers often worked after school or on weekends to make their ow... [查看全文]
The Test 考试Last Monday morning, I rode to class as usual . When I walked into the classroom I found all my... [查看全文]
Beijing Zoo 北京动物园Last summer holidays, our class visited the Beijing Zoo. It is the largest in China and on... [查看全文]
Travel to Beijing 到北京旅行Last summer my family traveled to Beijing by bus. On the way, we kept watching the ... [查看全文]
My Primary School Years 我的小学生活I went to kindergarten both in China and in America. There was a big differe... [查看全文]
Going to School in America 在美国上学On August 14, 1999, I, Bobby Huang, moved from China to the United States ... [查看全文]
A Visit to Safari Park 参观野生动物园Last Saturday, we visited the Safari park in my hometown. We got up early ... [查看全文]
A Trip to Beidaihe 北戴河之游Last Sunday we had a short trip to Beidaihe. We set out in the school bus at 7:2... [查看全文]
Ordering a Book Online 网上购书I decided to buy a book online . I searched a lot of information about the book... [查看全文]
Climbing a Mountain 爬山Last Sunday, we went on climbing . When we reached the foot of the mountain , we all ... [查看全文]