雅思口语考试不是仅仅考察学生的语音和语调,而是考核考生整体的交流技能。整体的交流技能在考试过程中当然要从具体的测试方向进行衡量... [查看全文]
学生们反映的雅思口语比较难的题目有law、interesting news、book 等。我们一一分析如下: 第一、 关于law 大家首先要明白一... [查看全文]
剑桥雅思九全面分析,全面解析雅思真题 A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性 B、Lexical resource,词汇量 C、Gramm... [查看全文]
一、如何做到呢?(how to do it) 首先(first of all)要对口语进行客观(objective)、合理地(reasonable)分类:一是标准的(standa... [查看全文]
对于雅思口语而言,组成要素是一个个看似独立的雅思口语单词,但是在实际考试中,雅思口语单词错误却还是有很多,为此小编特收集整理三... [查看全文]
找个外教学口语原本是无可争辩的,但鉴于目前的社会环境和必不可少的经济头脑,这个问题不可一概而论。 找外教练口语必须有两个先决... [查看全文]
Describe a friend in your school time or whom you like most.You should say:Who he/she is.When you became friends... [查看全文]
Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work.You should say:What it is?What you do with it.... [查看全文]
Describe a restaurant or café. You should say: Where it is. What it looks like. What kinds of s... [查看全文]
Describe a well-known person. You should say: Who he/she is. What makes him/her famous? Why you admire ... [查看全文]