Describe something you learned in a place or from someone You should say: What it was Where or who yo... [查看全文]
Describe a small company that you think is successful.You should say:what the name ishow you know about itwhat d... [查看全文]
You should say: What did this advertising promote? Where did you see this? What was the content of it?... [查看全文]
Describe a smartphone APP that you think is useful.You should say:what the app it iswhat contents it hashow do ... [查看全文]
1.Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?Most of my friends are my age and I have a few frien... [查看全文]
中国人在考试方面的智慧可谓登峰造极,许多人在应付诸如TOEFL、GRE考试中所取得的成绩,即便是英语为母语的人也无法望其项背。然而,面... [查看全文]
You should say: when you heard about the news what this news was about how you got this news and e... [查看全文]
Describe an occasion that you had a special cake You should say: when you had it where you had it ... [查看全文]
具体的方法如下: 1、看电影学英语,但是要关掉字幕,同时尽量大声复述所有能够听懂的剧中对话 我得承认,对于一个英语听说能力... [查看全文]
1.请在预订的口试时间前30分钟到达考点并签到。口试截止入场时间为口试时间前15分钟。迟到考生将无法进入考场,无法参加任何考试科目,... [查看全文]