大家都知道雅思口语考试分为三个part, 在part3部分考官会针对考生之前的回答自由提问。但在其他部分,考官其实是有一些常用的语言,雅... [查看全文]
Describe a friend in your school time or whom you like most.You should say:Who he/she is.When you became friends... [查看全文]
Describe a well-known person. You should say:Who he/she is.What makes him/her famous?Why you admire him/her.Thank y... [查看全文]
Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work.You should say:What it is?What you do with it.... [查看全文]
Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen. You should say: when you saw this work of art... [查看全文]
Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. (Not a sport.) You should say: what the game was ... [查看全文]
Describe some interesting news (you recently heard) from a newspaper or the TV. You should say when you ... [查看全文]
在大家雅思备考过程中,总是容易陷在口语这项上,经统计大家备考雅思的方法,不难发现,导致烤鸭们分数低的原因,离不开这三点,接下来... [查看全文]
the 2nd Sunday in May (Universally) Mother's Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It... [查看全文]