aisle n.走廊,通道 alert adj.1.机警的,警觉的 2.机灵的,活泼的 vt.使…警觉 alien adj.1.外国(人)的,异己的... [查看全文]
abbreviation n.(用词首字母组成的)缩写 +aberration n.失常(行为) abide vi.(by)遵守,坚持 aboriginal adj.土... [查看全文]
2014年职称英语考试教材新增文章汇总(综合类)阅读判断第九篇:What Is a Dream?(B级)第十一篇:Stage Fright(A级)概括大意第十三... [查看全文]
第十四篇 TheSandwich Generation Today people often look forward to their middleage as a time when they will... [查看全文]
第三篇 Are Online Friends Real Friends? Modern computer technology has made a new kind of human relationship... [查看全文]
第三十六篇 Lifeas a Movie Extra Ordinary people have always been attracted to theworld of movies and movie ... [查看全文]
第二十九篇 I’ll Be Bach Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computerprogram that writes original ... [查看全文]
第八篇 Screen Test 1 Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast can... [查看全文]
第十三篇 Ward off1 Travel Bugs 1 As the holiday season approaches, so does the prospect of jet lag, an up... [查看全文]
第十一篇 StageFright1 Fall down as you come onstage. That’s an oddtrick. Not recommended. But it saved... [查看全文]