心理学中的reinforcement,分为positive reinforcement和negative reinforcement两种,即增加能够激发个人兴趣的东西和消除自己不喜... [查看全文]
托福口语考试中,很多同学的分数止步于20分,无论怎么复习备考,提升分数似乎困难重重,到底是什么原因,阻挡了同学们提升的步伐呢?本... [查看全文]
51. chicken out 退缩 Bill was going to ask Lisa out on date,but he chickened out at the last minute.比尔... [查看全文]
41. get with it 留意(周遭的事物) George really needs to get with it. He's still wearing bellbottoms.乔治... [查看全文]
31. punch line 好笑的部分 I can't tell the joke,I forgot the punch line.我无法讲这个故事,我忘了当中最好笑的... [查看全文]
21. be caught dead 献丑,出洋相 I wouldn't be caught dead in that ugly outfit.我才不要穿那样难看的衣服献丑... [查看全文]
11.cheapo 小气鬼,没格调的人 Brian is a real cheapo. He won't even spend the money to buy his mother a... [查看全文]
1.eye-opener 令人大开眼界的事 Listening to him talk about his adventure in China was a real eye-opener.听他谈在... [查看全文]
托福口语素材积累中,大家也需要储备一些句型,这样也能够让我们的口语回答内容更丰富。今天我们重点来讲解的是否定句句型,下面让我们... [查看全文]
托福口语备考中,大家必不可少的就是练习各种口语话题,但是除了努力练习之外,大家还是需要掌握一些提分的方法。今天我们就在这里为大... [查看全文]