考生们是否知道托福口语考试里有哪些要点要掌握呢?大家只有把这些要点掌握了才可以达到高效备考目的。 首先,在此大概的介绍一下新... [查看全文]
Task2 Independent speaking 新托福口语题目 Preference二选一个人喜好观点阐述类题目:Do you prefer to study in th... [查看全文]
新托福口语Task2题目. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All people should be required to s... [查看全文]
新托福口语Task5解析: Integrated Speaking: Problem-Solutions 题目 问题: 男生遇到了time conflict 问题,一方面下午... [查看全文]
Task 4 版本一: 阅读 标题:elation effect 定义:当人们的所获报酬增多时,人们会提高工作质量或工作效率。 听力 ... [查看全文]
Task 1 Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate. 描述一个你觉得在... [查看全文]
托福口语Task 2题目 Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, w... [查看全文]
托福口语task5答题技巧归纳 先解析一下第五题答案结构,我建议大家用二分法答题,一分钟分为两个30秒,前一个30秒包括3句话陈述人物... [查看全文]
新托福口语Task1题目: The school is going to have students TV show, which show would you like to watch. Plea... [查看全文]