世界杯已经走过了长长80年的历史了。世界杯创造了许多有趣搞笑的记录,我们一共选出了10个世界杯历史中最搞笑的时刻。 The World ... [查看全文]
作为世界上现存最大的哺乳动物,鲸鱼的生活一直充满着挑战,每年日本渔船以科考名义的捕鲸活动都会杀死大批鲸鱼,而现在又有一个坏消息... [查看全文]
The mascot—Haibao The mascot Haibao is another milestone in the process of preparations for the Shanghai Wo... [查看全文]
Since 1840, Western powers have intermittently invaded this huge but weakened country, nearly eliminating China.... [查看全文]
当人们向惠普公司前CEO卡莉·费奥瑞娜询问职业生涯的意见时,她常常告诉大家,不要放弃你的内在本性,千万不要出卖你的灵魂,因为没有... [查看全文]
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is commonly referred to as the Red Planet. The rocks, soil and... [查看全文]
The current understanding of planetary habitability—the ability of a world to develop and sustain life—favors... [查看全文]
China has poured rescue workers and equipment into a mountainous Tibetan region in a bid to find survivors a... [查看全文]
人类发现新物种是人类自身的幸运,也是该物种的悲哀,为什么这么说呢?请大家看以下文章: A new giant species of monitor li... [查看全文]
漂洋过海的小松鼠 Efforts are to be made to capture a red squirrel found on a wildlife holiday cruise boat.... [查看全文]