Part I:极速词法 1、familiar adj. 熟悉的; 2、call vt. 叫作; 3、hum vt. 哼哼,吟唱; 4、headache n. 头痛; 5... [查看全文]
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is commonly referred to as the Red Planet. The rocks, soil and... [查看全文]
从小父母和老师就教育我们不要撒谎,但是撒谎的后果会影响到我们的身体健康或许大多数人都没想过。下面的新托福考试阅读练习材料要说的... [查看全文]
据说这是世界上妈妈都爱说的【妈妈语录】 Don't make that face or it'll freeze in that position。 别给我脸... [查看全文]
甄嬛迷们根据甄嬛的剧中台词里常用几个连词和短语,总结出了所谓的甄嬛体:方才……想必是……若能……那必是极好的……倒也不负恩泽。... [查看全文]
首先,我们从词--句--篇章来谈谈这篇文章。 原文: Geologists have long known that the Earth's mantle is heter... [查看全文]
Nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime and 10 percent think ... [查看全文]
Phoenix will be followed by the Mars Science Laboratory in 2011, a bigger, faster (90 m/h), and smarter vers... [查看全文]
Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually small salaries. Rather than being annoyed at having to... [查看全文]
传说澳大利亚是一个危机四伏的地方,那里有致命的毒蛇,海滩里潜伏着蜇人的水母和吃人的鲨鱼。倘若说动物很可怕也就算了,在澳大利亚松... [查看全文]