你怎样判断哪个人是你命定的伴侣呢?是靠怦然心动?还是靠一见钟情?研究表明,基因差异也会影响你的择偶标准。 When it comes to ... [查看全文]
80、90后的这一代,很多孩子都是独生子女,大家感觉怎么样呢?有人认为独生子女常常会有孤独感,但是据英国科学研究称,独生子女比有兄... [查看全文]
【宇宙大爆炸之背景提示】 This is the most,definitely not one of, marvelous piece of news I have heard this y... [查看全文]
一、带-ing词尾的介词 barring:except,not including除....外 concerning:about,regarding论及,关于 名师指导托福阅读... [查看全文]
把句子的主干先抓出来,然后结合这些修饰成分有层次的理解句子。而抓住句子的核心主干的窍门往往在于找出句子的真正谓语,因为谓语是支... [查看全文]
怎么找出托福阅读关键词?一是看逻辑信号词;二是读句子的时候一定牢记只看主干。 托福考试阅读部分一篇文章一般较长,所以一般是以段... [查看全文]
什么是流星?外空间的尘埃颗粒闯入地球大气,与大气摩擦,产生大量热,从而使尘埃颗粒气化。在该过程中发光形成流星。尘埃颗粒叫做流星体。... [查看全文]
An asteroid splashdown in one of Earth's oceans could trigger a destructive chemical cycle that would wipe ou... [查看全文]
Host:Could someone back there please turn off the President's mic? I think the President's mic is hot, p... [查看全文]
How clean is the average backyard pool is? Find out on this Moment of Science.Everybody loves the swimming pool.... [查看全文]