George Washington (1732-99)the first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to success in the *American Re... [查看全文]
Native Americans in the popular imaginationAn American tradition dating back to early times is*Thanksgiving. When t... [查看全文]
Native American languagesBefore Europeans arrived in North America there were over 300 Native American languages. S... [查看全文]
Native AmericansNative Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached ... [查看全文]
The Civil WarCauses of the warThe American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from 18... [查看全文]
The American RevolutionThe War of Revolution between America and Britain began in April 1775 in *Lexington, Massac... [查看全文]
第二次世界大战期间的美国1939年9月德国进攻波兰,第二次世界大战全面爆发。罗斯福于1941年3月签署《租借法》,向与德意日作战的国家提供物... [查看全文]
第一次世界大战前的内外政策(1889—1914)1889年美国召开泛美会议,1898年美西战争爆发,美国击败了西班牙,夺取了加勒比海的古巴和波多黎各... [查看全文]
南北战争及重建时期(1861-1877)1861年4月,南部同盟不宣而战,占领萨姆特炮台,南北战争爆发。次年5月,林肯颁布《宅地法》,允许耕种西部... [查看全文]
独立的民族主权国家的建成(1781-1814)在战争过程中,大陆会议制订了邦联条例,1781-1787年13州组成了邦联国会,宣布成立美利坚共和国。1787... [查看全文]