常见标点符号及作用 冒号在中文或英文中都是一个常见的标点符号,在中英用法上也大致相同。冒号的主要作用有两种:一是用在总说性话... [查看全文]
植物产生的前提是充足的光照和水分以及适宜的土壤。随后孢子spore 便可以在此安家了。孢子很轻,且生命力顽强,只要找到立足点,便可... [查看全文]
原句案例: In addition, results from other types of preschool readiness programs indicate that those who part... [查看全文]
简化题 形成原因: 这种题型可能大家最常见的解决方法就是根据翻译来解题,但是你的翻译正确吗?这就是这种题型错误的主要原因了... [查看全文]
1.单篇阅读文章定格20分钟 一般情况下如果不遇到加试的情况下,你有60分钟来应对3篇700字左右的文章及42道左右的题目。那么如果你按... [查看全文]
While accepting that this sequence fits the archaeological profile of those sites,which were occupied continuous... [查看全文]
With "climax," "biome," "superorganism," and various other technical terms for the association of animals and p... [查看全文]
They include roots or rootlike structures, a waxy cuticle that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and l... [查看全文]
This abundance is notable in Roman settlements (especially urban sites) where the labor that archaeologists hav... [查看全文]
Successin colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization ---- a safe... [查看全文]