类比比喻处 类比在文中主要有两种体现方式,一是明喻,即A像B一样二是暗喻,说A是B,由于暗喻更加隐蔽,出题人往往趋向于在暗喻... [查看全文]
面试机器人 A robot has hired a human being for the first time in history as an AI was left to do... [查看全文]
苹果应用之战 ●Tencent takes on Apple in China 腾讯与苹果公司在中国的角逐。 In most of the world,... [查看全文]
埃博拉之殇 A 5-Year-Old Boy Is the First to Die of Ebola in Uganda as Outbreak Crosses Congo Border ... [查看全文]
太空旅馆将于2025年建成 It's 50 years since man first stepped on the moon, and we're still harboring dr... [查看全文]
这个面霜有毒 A Sacramento woman went to the emergency room in July with numbness in her hands andfeet... [查看全文]
例证题解题思路 通过阅读文章“区分论点论据”是大纲对阅读的明确要求。该题型在每年的真题当中一般会考一个到两个。虽然分值... [查看全文]
态度题解题思路 态度题在每年的考研英语真题当中一般会考一个到两个。虽然分值比重不高,但是这种题目是有固定解题策略的,所... [查看全文]
词汇题解题思路 【解题方法】题干+上下文语境 【解题步骤】 1. 找出题干关键词,精确定位到单词所在的语句 ... [查看全文]
细节题解题思路 【解题方法】题干+选项精确定位法 【解题步骤】 1. 找出题干关键词,精确定位到文章 返回原... [查看全文]