罗斯福于1932年在联邦俱乐部的演讲 英文版Commonwealth Club AddressSeptember 23, 1932I count it a privilege to be invited... [查看全文]
罗斯福于1930年任纽约州长后的演讲 英文版In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the state... [查看全文]
罗斯福于1930年任纽约州长后的演讲 英文版In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the state... [查看全文]
里根于1984年纪念诺曼底登陆四十周年演讲 英文版We’re here to mark that day in history when the Allied armies join... [查看全文]
里根于1989年在白宫发表告别演说 英文版My fellow Americans:This is the 34th time I’ll speak to you from the Oval... [查看全文]
里根于1964年为总统候选人助选的演讲英文版Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you and good evening. The sponsor has ... [查看全文]
里根于1987年在柏林墙下的演讲英文版Thank you very much.Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diepgen, ladies and gentlemen: T... [查看全文]
里根在美国全国福音派联会年会上的演讲Thank you. Thank you very much.And, Reverend Clergy all, Senator Hawkins, distingui... [查看全文]
里根于1984年在复旦大学的演讲We have been in your country only 5 days, but already we have seen the wonders of a ... [查看全文]
1986年悼念挑战者号宇航员的演讲Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state... [查看全文]