When the London Underground goes on strike, my journey to work can be terrible. I remember a strike, which ... [查看全文]
构思、准备不充分,匆忙下笔。 任何一篇作文出题都是有它独特的道理的,所以提前审题和构思就显得必不可少了。文新学堂教学专家提醒... [查看全文]
英语:边读文章边背单词 在初中阶段,考生要掌握近2000个单词。眼下,初三上学期即将结束,初三生的单词量要有1200至1300个左右。对... [查看全文]
1.延续性动词:how long,since,for,until / till等所在肯定句中的主句谓语要用延续性动词(以下划线部分): We have been in... [查看全文]
1.after…时间后结构:after+时间段,常用于一般过去时,和1相同。 They went to Beijing after five days. The dog died... [查看全文]
1.带to不定式用法之一:带to不定式有逻辑宾语在前时,to后动词用及物动词;不及物时需跟介词。The work is too hard for me to ... [查看全文]
1.感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接动词原形或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进... [查看全文]
1.宾语从句:怎样判断出一个从句是宾语从句?1 在动词后作宾语(动宾): Do you know where he comes from? 划线部分是动词kno... [查看全文]
Mr. Jackson was on duty that evening. It was 1 and there was thick snow outside. So 2 people came to th... [查看全文]
Many of you are studying English and you may be 1 why it is so difficult to learn. It's actually not ... [查看全文]