普通类词汇 routine 常规的 similar 类似的 laity 门外汉,俗人 rank and file 低层次的 practitioner 从业人员 tradit... [查看全文]
方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿不准,GRE考试另外一个空格我们可以判断出哪个选项里的答案具有相对优势,但是与这个具有相对... [查看全文]
首先我们回顾一下ETS对于新GRE填空题的官方说明。填空题的官方说明是填空题一切的核心,无论一道题目出的多么天花乱坠,它也是围绕着官... [查看全文]
1. 分析句子结构:分隔与粘连是主要的重复信息的方式 A. 分隔:句子中对主干进行修饰或补充的成分 定语从句:that 同位语:th... [查看全文]
6. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that hi... [查看全文]
1. Since most if not all learning occurs through ______, relating one observation to another, it would be st... [查看全文]
6. The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the ______ in which they develop: for example, leaves... [查看全文]
1. It is to the novelist's credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically, wit... [查看全文]
第一,OG官方真题和老GRE题目的对比。通过对比我们会发现,在OG和PP 2中直接照搬老GRE题目的情况一共出现了29次,其中单空题直接照搬1... [查看全文]
example 1. to believe that a culture's achievement can be measured by the ------- of its written materi... [查看全文]