GRE填空解题不仅需要充足的词汇量基础作为支撑,想要把题目做得又快又好,考生还需要掌握一些比较实用的解题小技巧方法。当然大家靠自... [查看全文]
GRE填空备考,挑对备考教材对考生来说至关重要。一本好教材能够帮助大家更快地掌握应对GRE填空各类难题的方法技巧,差的教材却有可能只... [查看全文]
16 Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest evidence for the claim that in Bassaria the newly... [查看全文]
11 The plan that requires an employee contribution costs an enrolled employee significantly less per year than... [查看全文]
6 Internal skill gaps are often self-inflicted wounds, the unintended consequence of promote-from within policie... [查看全文]
1 The most important distinction among countries concerns not their form of government but their degree of go... [查看全文]
1.分析的具体方法―――分隔与粘连。 2.重复的基本规律:点对点。 3.攻其一点,不及其余。 4.读题干的策略:先读主干,再读分... [查看全文]
例 1.(OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q4, Medium)Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of thenation’s growth since... [查看全文]
1. By virtue of her extensive experience and her ______ of practical knowledge, 87-year-old Louisa Vigil was ... [查看全文]
1. 判断题型 GRE填空解题技巧介绍: 考生首先在看到填空题目的时候,根据逻辑关系判断题目类型,GRE填空题的题目一般有因果型、对... [查看全文]