GRE填空的双空或者三空题一般都是难度较高,题目较长的题型。想要做好这种题型,只靠词汇并不够,考生还需要学会运用一些常见的句式关... [查看全文]
许多GRE考生在备考中都存在抓不住复习重点的问题。比如大家最希望提分的GRE填空,有些考生只顾埋头做题,有些则把练习各类取巧小花招放... [查看全文]
都说GRE填空考的是词汇,这种说法虽然没有大错,但确实也有失偏颇。特别是在应对某些GRE填空难题时,光靠词汇并不足以帮助大家顺利解题... [查看全文]
GRE填空双空专项练习题(6)Nordhaus predicts that in the future we will increasingly be (i)______ ecological problems li... [查看全文]
GRE填空双空专项练习题(5)Contrary to those who fear the impact of invasive species on native plants, the biologists ... [查看全文]
GRE填空双空专项练习题(4)The great (i)_____ of most books that examine the American presidency is their ideology bias... [查看全文]
The economic recovery was somewhat lopsided: (i)______ in some of the industries economics while (ii)______ in oth... [查看全文]
Despite the scathing precision with which she satirizes the lies of the social aspirants and moneyed folk, the w... [查看全文]
While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting t... [查看全文]
对于正在准备考G的考生来说,想找到最新GRE备考技巧实在太少了,为大家安利一下最新的GRE备考技巧,大家知道,GRE的词汇是最让人头疼的... [查看全文]