Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a dinner guest in Ghana, this information will help y... [查看全文]
AIQILE Bolivia——more than 80 people died and at least 100 were proved injured in the devastating earthquake las... [查看全文]
It doesn‘t come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if y... [查看全文]
The railroad industry could not have grown as large as it did without steel. The first rails were made of iron... [查看全文]
Under proper conditions, sound waves will be reflected from a hillside or other such obstruction(障碍). Sound trav... [查看全文]
Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and last Men, in which he looked millions of years ahead. He told of... [查看全文]
This incident occurred one morning outside Albert Schweizer‘s hospital in the African jungle. A patient had ... [查看全文]
In East Africa there is a bribe(部落) of people called the Masai. They are tall and slim(苗条的) and carry long... [查看全文]
During the fourth China Beijing High-tech Industries Week, exhibitions, feature presentations, technological exchanges... [查看全文]
LONDON----A morning‘s train ride away, across the Channel, English kids talk about Liverpool‘s soccer te... [查看全文]