阅读试题Why was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been started in 13... [查看全文]
阅读试题Almost every family buys as least one copy of a newspaper every day.Some people subscribe to as many as... [查看全文]
阅读试题Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person th... [查看全文]
阅读试题Soldiers and other military people wear uniforms with various other symbols to indicate their status.But in... [查看全文]
阅读试题Are all your photographs good?Be honest with yourself. Aren’t some of your pictures too dark, and others... [查看全文]
阅读试题Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything ab... [查看全文]
阅读试题One should be moderate(适度) in all things. Moderation is always the safest way to do things and a virtu... [查看全文]
阅读试题Daniel Boone was born in the United States in 1734. He didn't go to school and couldn't read, al... [查看全文]
阅读试题Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean known as El Ni... [查看全文]
阅读试题Perhaps the most famous theory, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell. H... [查看全文]