谁娶了多愁善感的你,谁看了你的日记……这首歌曾陪伴了一代人的成长,如今,电影《同桌的你》再次将许多人的记忆带回到那个白衣飘飘的年代... [查看全文]
US Army Lowers Target for New Soldiers美国降低征兵目标The United States Army will not meet its target of adding 8... [查看全文]
归根结底,这大概是因为物以稀为贵,或者叫得不到的永远在骚动。欧美人的肤色(complexion)天生就很白,小麦色很少见,所以他们觉得那更好看... [查看全文]
Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, "Barbara, beenthusiastic! Enthusiasm will... [查看全文]
Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine version ofthemselves they can ... [查看全文]
In Paris, pleasure boats ply the Seine River as people stroll along its banks on a summer day. The French have... [查看全文]
Let's face it, no one wants to date a cheater but oftentimes we don't see the signs our boyfriend or g... [查看全文]
As a health editor, I spend the majority of my day poring over content related to, well, health. At HuffPost, ... [查看全文]
年轻的世界,充满无限的可能性、机遇和挑战,在为生活为梦想为各种目标匆匆前行的同时,你会对真正重要的东西视而不见么?本文为大家带来年... [查看全文]
You receive a promotion and are extremely proud. As the day goes by, you share your great news with your loved... [查看全文]