For the most part, Prince Philip takes bouts of ill-health in his stride. But confronted by the possibility that... [查看全文]
加班(work overtime),真的是个很神奇的事情。通常来说,加班是因为事情多。(当然,日本人除外)但一个常年加班的人往往会发现:事情稍微没... [查看全文]
废话不多说,先来听歌: Me to Church (2015年度第57届格莱美音乐奖)_第57届格莱美颁奖盛... [查看全文]
不少人应该都知道,苹果公司的创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经被赶出了公司。而他之后的回归则被称作王者归来。那么,把他赶出公司的那群人到底是... [查看全文]
如果你经常看美剧、欧美电影,应该已经发现了,欧美国家戴眼镜的人明显比中国要少。我们这边,早在初中阶段就有大半的人戴上了眼镜。这是为... [查看全文]
What is your most memorable cultural shock?你印象最深且感到震惊的文化差异有哪些?获得568好评的回答@Dave Samwell:Some frien... [查看全文]
Have you ever found yourself in the place to console anyone?你有没有遇到过需要安慰别人的时候?Every now and then we ... [查看全文]
The whole purpose of marketing is to make a product desirable and to give the customer something that fulfills ... [查看全文]
Through the cold winter wasteland a man trudged, leaning into the harsh wind which spitefully tried to force him... [查看全文]
并不是每个人都会回应你的付出。This is a hard truth but it’s true.这是个残酷的事实,但现实的确如此。If other people... [查看全文]