Maybe you've been laid off from a high-paying job and prospects for similar positions are scarce. Perhaps you... [查看全文]
You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say m... [查看全文]
We all have those days that pass like a whirlwind.最近我们都忙得不可开交You don't get a free moment to catch ... [查看全文]
The Best Industries for Women Right NowThough professional women have certainly made strides since the Don Draper&... [查看全文]
【离职原因】:【面试方】:1)Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?你为什么要辞去现在的工作来我们这里?2)... [查看全文]
1. Fearlessly Work a Room1.1.大胆出动Dogs are strangers to one another, but they instantly meet and greet those a... [查看全文]
今天是五四青年节,是14至28周岁之间的青年的节日。青年节对于你来说意义是什么?是半天的法定假日,还是在今天惆怅地回想一下当年?老男孩说... [查看全文]
Got a difficult decision to make? Why not mull it over auf deutsch?面临艰难的抉择?为什么不试试用德语来思考?A new stu... [查看全文]
参加世界杯的各国足球队内的球衣号码是怎么分配的?为什么同是国际球星,本泽马、梅西和内马尔都穿10号球衣,而C罗却穿7号?难道这些号码是他... [查看全文]
If first dates make you nervous, you're not alone.第一次约会紧张?不只你一个噢。Getting to know a complete strange... [查看全文]