富人们拥有的有利条件真是随处可见,他们购物的时候永远不用担心物品价格过高,他们还可以随心所欲地居住在自己喜欢的地方。然而,过多的选... [查看全文]
This the season to gather those you love and soak up the quality time together. And really, we should be doing... [查看全文]
Those in a serious relationship have long been warned about the dangers of the seven-year itch. But research has... [查看全文]
1.You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。不到没有退路之时,你永... [查看全文]
你想拥有和声优一样的流利口语吗?戳这里>>>体验外教1对1口语The Coffee Place咖啡厅I used to believe courtesy was a thing of... [查看全文]
What is your most memorable cultural shock?你印象最深的文化冲击是什么?获得516好评的答案@Balraj RathodIn summer of 2015,... [查看全文]
What do you like about yourself?你喜欢自己哪一点?获得41.4k好评的回答@Jessie Chen:I’m Chinese and we are taught ... [查看全文]
Sherry is in her internship now. Last month, she bought a lipstick which she really liked.上个月,还在实习的雪莉买... [查看全文]
多一只碟子One Saucer More金圣华Jin Shenghua| 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》从朋友口中,听到一则轶事。I’ve been tol... [查看全文]
说起鸡尾酒,我们都会想到对应的单词是cocktail。今天小编就带着大家一起涨涨一些有关cocktail的知识。首先让我们看看它的定义:When used... [查看全文]