你喜欢喝咖啡吗?你一天要喝几杯咖啡呢?你身边有没有喜欢喝咖啡的人因为担心健康问题而忌口呢?英大身边有人因为害怕这个,每天就连第一杯都... [查看全文]
Most of times we invent new things to make our life easier.大多数情况下,我们发明新东西是为了让生活更轻松。For example... [查看全文]
What do foreigners find most annoying about Americans?外国人最烦美国人哪一点?获得281好评的答案@Erin Paige Law:As an Au... [查看全文]
How do you become confident if you are a very shy person?特别胆小的人怎么变自信?获得74.7k好评的回答@James Haforlarin:... [查看全文]
Every morning, you are defining how your life would be like.每一天早上,你都在定义你未来人生的模样。No, I'm not s... [查看全文]
Job interviews can be mildly terrifying for anyone, but they’re extra-extra-terrifying for introverts. Here, s... [查看全文]
Fashion sources claim that Anna Wintour is set to leave her role as Editor-in-Chief of the high-fashion magazine... [查看全文]
When I started out as a reporter, I had to learn to really listen, which didn’t come easily to me.当我初... [查看全文]
I have always worn my children’s birthstones around my neck.我的脖子上带着我几个孩子的生辰石。One morning, when ... [查看全文]
What should you never say to a British person?哪些话绝对不要对英国人说?来自 @Megan Mishra 的回答,获得3.5K的好评:When... [查看全文]