Maybe you're looking for love, maybe you're unsure if you'll ever find it, maybe you're in a rela... [查看全文]
From January to May, I led an extremely inactive lifestyle, binging on video games and basically ignoring all as... [查看全文]
What If Dogs Think We Are Immortal?如果在狗狗眼里,人类是不老的神会怎么样?Someone posted that concept on Tumblr, and ... [查看全文]
I volunteer at a free café feeding homeless and hungry people.我在一家向无家可归和饥肠辘辘之人免费提供食物的餐厅... [查看全文]
As a recent Stroke Survivor and Author of You Will See God’s Miracles If Only You Believe (available for ... [查看全文]
To pay for his education, a poor boy used to sell goods from door to door. One day, the young boy found he ... [查看全文]
Understand that life is not a straight line. Life is not a set timeline of milestones. You are allowed to back... [查看全文]
Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority" and see how that feels. Often th... [查看全文]
It feels good to move back home after two years.在经过了两年之后,能搬回家住真的很不错。It was the last place I saw... [查看全文]
Never regret on anything.千万不要对任何事感到后悔。Because they were once what you wanted.因为,他们曾经是你想要的。Regre... [查看全文]