有一定的词汇量GRE所需掌握的单词要少的多,这些词往往都是些GRE阅读专属词汇,且重复率很高,只需集中背记一下就可以解决基本问题。对句子... [查看全文]
众所周知,GRE阅读中的长难句可以说是考试的特色和难点之一了。考生如果不具备应对长难句的能力,那么阅读速度和解题正确率都将会受到... [查看全文]
1. Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances,authors react to those circumstances in ways ... [查看全文]
GRE阅读提升,考生不仅要学习各类阅读提速和解题技巧,同时也需要打好阅读基础,特别是阅读词汇的积累和对阅读文章中各类句式的掌握都... [查看全文]
众所周知,GRE阅读中的长难句可以说是考试的特色和难点之一了。考生如果不具备应对长难句的能力,那么阅读速度和解题正确率都将会受到... [查看全文]
众所周知,GRE阅读中的长难句可以说是考试的特色和难点之一了。考生如果不具备应对长难句的能力,那么阅读速度和解题正确率都将会受到... [查看全文]
首先,什么是同位语?同位语从句是名词从句的一种,置于某些名词之后,如fact, doubt, idea, news, hope, indication, decision,... [查看全文]
21.The Aswan Dam, for example stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods l... [查看全文]
11.We live a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to... [查看全文]
1. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of... [查看全文]