第 1 页:扫尘 |
第 2 页:贴春联 |
第 3 页:贴窗花和“福”字 |
第 4 页:守岁 |
第 5 页:贴年画 |
第 6 页:吃饺子 |
第 7 页:看春节联欢晚会 |
第 8 页:放鞭炮 |
第 9 页:拜年和压岁钱 |
第 10 页:逛庙会 |
扫尘 Sweeping the Dust
“Dust” is homophonic with “chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.