As you probably know, Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake last night. (海地当地时间1月12日下午)According to the latest estimates, over 100,000 people may have died and large parts of the island's infrastructure have been destroyed.
Here is a short list of things you can do right now to get help to Haiti. Just watch out for unsolicited emails. Quite a few scammers and spammers are trying to profit from this catastrophe and have set up fake donation sites and are running phishing scams.
As Twitter's Evan Williams just noted on the official Twitter blog, giving money to relief organizations has never been easier. All you need is your phone.
Of course, all the major relief organizations also have websites and will happily accept your donations. Our friends at Mashable have compiled a good list of worthy organizations.
Update: Google also just announced a new page that allows you to donate to UNICEF and CARE by using a Google Checkout account.
Here are a few Twitter lists you can follow to stay informed.
If you know of other news sources, local bloggers or organizations, let us know in the comment
注意那些来历不明的邮件,小心那些想发灾难财的骗子和垃圾信息制造者。 此外,你能做些什么呢?
正如Twitter的Evan Williams在Twitter官方博客上所言,捐款给赈灾机构从来都不是轻而易举的事情。你所需要的就是手机。
更新: Google刚刚宣布了一个新的捐款页面,你可以通过Google Checkout向联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)和CARE捐款。