Ningxia Pavilion
Theme: Natural Ningxia, Harmonious Land
Pavilion Week: September 21-25
Pavilion Features
Lumpy curves and the distinctive structure symbolize the multi-landscape and the integration of various cultures in Ningxia Province. Bearing the Islamic style, the pavilion holds exhibitions on different themes to mainly display the economic development, technical progress and culture of cities along the Yellow River, reflecting the fertility and beauty of the hinterland of the river basin and an open, harmonious and vigorous Ningxia.
展馆外观以灵动的曲线、层叠的“千年时光切片”结构,高度概括了宁夏集“山”、“川”、 “沙”、“湖”于一身的多元地貌和交错融合的多元文化特征。展馆以回族伊斯兰风格为形,以沿黄城市带发展为骨骼,以经济、科技、文化为血肉,以黄河水为魂,通过“朔色长天”、 “凤鸣塞上”、“宁静致远”、“回民之家”等主题区,映射出黄河腹地的富饶和塞上江南的秀美,呈现一个开放、多彩、融和、富饶与充满生机活力的新宁夏。