Brexit divorce derailed at 11th hour as May allies snub Irish border deal英国退欧离婚协议在最后关头受阻A carefully c... [查看全文]
Disney close to $60bn deal to take over Fox assets迪士尼接近达成福克斯资产收购案Walt Disney is closing in on the e... [查看全文]
Bitcoin fights back after pre-Christmas sell-off比特币价格反弹The price of bitcoin jumped 13 per cent to nearly $16... [查看全文]
China births fall despite relaxation of one-child policy两孩政策生效以来中国出生人口首次下降The annual number of births... [查看全文]
Xiaomi appoints banks for planned $100bn IPO小米拟年内IPO 估值可能高达1000亿美元Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker, ... [查看全文]
India and Japan prepare joint mission to the moon印度和日本拟携手探月India and Japan are preparing to fly each oth... [查看全文]
IMF hails ‘broadest’ upsurge in growthIMF:全球迎来最广泛的加速增长The International Monetary Fund hailed th... [查看全文]
DeepMind and London hospital focus AI on spotting eye diseases from scans谷歌人工智能学会诊断眼疾Google’s DeepMi... [查看全文]
Pentagon sees Musk’s heavy rocket as prospect to boost US space defence五角大楼称SpaceX火箭发射鼓舞人心The Penta... [查看全文]
Trump upends decades of policy on Israel特朗普承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都In deciding to recognise Jerusalem as the capit... [查看全文]