Marital status is likely to be an important contributory factor in predicting long term survival in people with ... [查看全文]
March 8 (Reuters) - COVID-19 can cause the brain to shrink, reduce grey matter in the regions that control emot... [查看全文]
拨通手机号码,给外国友人打上一通5G视频电话,双方的对话便被实时转为中英文字幕,在屏幕上显示出来。这款5G智能通信产品在北京冬残奥... [查看全文]
在铺满干草的养猪场里,一头圆滚滚的猪向你靠近,发出哼唧哼唧的声音。 哼唧哼唧,这是什么意思? 很少会有人想这个问题,但哥伦... [查看全文]
New research by a City College of New York team has uncovered a novel way to combine two different states of ... [查看全文]
Around 95% of wild mushroom samples collected in Germany in the last six years still showed radioactive contamina... [查看全文]
Could living at high altitudes affect your chance of suffering a stroke? This intriguing question is at the hear... [查看全文]
Modern-day imaging technology is able to uncover ancient buildings and structures not visible on the surface, and... [查看全文]
Use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT, also known as hormone replacement therapy, HRT) is not associated with an... [查看全文]
British palaeontologists have unearthed two new species of dinosaur on the unassuming, 380 square kilometre Isle o... [查看全文]