在当地团体、环保组织大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)和宠物品牌希宝(Sheba)的合作努力下,约有四万平方米的珊瑚礁已被重新... [查看全文]
你的身边有热爱运动健身的人吗?锻炼身体固然对健康有益,但有些人却过分地沉迷于此。Do you like to keep fit? We're always ... [查看全文]
雷雨时划破长空的闪电有一个你不知道的功能,那就是净化空气,而且还有助于抗击全球气候变暖。新研究发现,闪电会释放大量的化学清洗剂,帮... [查看全文]
你爱看电影吗?你喜欢大制作的灾难片吗?如果喜欢,那你可能会对 气候变化类虚构作品(climate fiction,简称 cli-fi) 感兴趣。这类作... [查看全文]
一份报告警告说,淡水鱼的数量将出现 灾难性 下降,近三分之一的淡水鱼面临灭绝的威胁。More than half the world's fish are... [查看全文]
有人以为,适量饮酒不会有损健康,甚至可能有益健康。然而新研究发现,无论你喝的是什么酒,无论你喝多喝少,都会对你的大脑造成危害。Ther... [查看全文]
There are currently only a few synthetic agents that bind to and block the widespread membrane transport proteins... [查看全文]
In order to address issues ranging from climate change to developing complex technologies and curing diseases, sci... [查看全文]
In order to address issues ranging from climate change to developing complex technologies and curing diseases, sci... [查看全文]
Mitochondria—the 'batteries' that power our cells—play an unexpected role in common diseases such as type... [查看全文]