Buried 142-Year-Old Seed Experiment in a Bottle Still Ongoing, Longest Running Germination Study把142年前的种子埋在瓶... [查看全文]
A large-scale randomised trial of annual screening for ovarian cancer, funded by the NIHR, did not succeed in re... [查看全文]
Higher doses of antibiotics may boost bacteria: study研究表明,高剂量的抗生素可能促进细菌繁殖Using higher doses of anti... [查看全文]
It may not be mind control exactly, but scientists say they may have a way to control how certain neurons work... [查看全文]
Could the future of office work be sitting inside a microchip smaller than a dime? Researchers from Brown Univer... [查看全文]
A study out of the University of Queensland has found that rice, particularly the instant variety, has high leve... [查看全文]
From a simple tooth to a major knee replacement, dental and orthopedic implant surgeries to common around the gl... [查看全文]
Regularly sleeping six hours or fewer per night during middle age is associated with a greater risk of dementia,... [查看全文]
A University of Auckland-led research showed for the first time at a global scale and across all kinds of speci... [查看全文]
You could cure your Type 2 ?diabetes if you follow new ?advice from your GP. Around four million UK patients w... [查看全文]