High Schoolers Discover Four New Exoplanets, Including A Super-Earth高中生们发现了四颗新的系外行星,其中包括一颗超级地球Fo... [查看全文]
How Lunar Phases Affect Sleep And Menstrual Cycles月相是如何影响睡眠和月经周期的The Moon gets plenty of credit and b... [查看全文]
Sulfur Dioxide Not Phosphine Might Explain The Mysterious Atmospheric Signature On Venus也许二氧化硫比磷化氢更可以解释... [查看全文]
Physicists Create Time-Reversed Optical Waves For The First Time物理学家首次创造了时间反转的光波Physicists have achieved... [查看全文]
Researchers Have Found A New Way To Turn A Black Hole Into A Power Station研究人员发现了一种把黑洞变成发电站的新方法... [查看全文]
Algorithm Predicts A Type Of Autism With 100% Accuracy Using Mother's Biomarkers一种根据母亲的生物标记,预测自闭症... [查看全文]
Air Pollution Linked To Progressive Vision Loss That Could Become Permanent空气污染与渐进性视力丧失有关,这种视力丧失可... [查看全文]
New Micropatch May Eliminate Need For Needles In Blood Tests新的微型贴片可能在血液测试中消除对针的需要Hate needles? Wel... [查看全文]
The permafrost is melting永久冻土层正在融化The Permafrost Tunnel Research Facility, dug in the mid-1960s in Fairbanks... [查看全文]
Apple’s 5G iPhone will reportedly make its debut next month据报道,苹果5G iPhone将于下月首次亮相Apple’s lon... [查看全文]