自相矛盾contradict oneself;self-contradictory;inconsistent自由自在free;carefree;leisurely自圆其说to make one’s statement... [查看全文]
张口结舌speechless (lit. agape and tongue-tied)朝气蓬勃full of youthful energy;vigorous;energetic;a bright spark珍禽异兽r... [查看全文]
因小失大missing the big picture;to save a little only to lose a lot引以为耻to regard it as a disgrace;to consider... [查看全文]
一目了然obvious at a glance一曝十寒not persistent;sporadic effort;lack of sticking power;short attention span易如反掌ver... [查看全文]
循序渐进in sequence;step by step;to make steady progress incrementally言行一致practice what they preach养儿防老(of pare... [查看全文]
新陈代谢the new replaces the old (metabolism in biology)信口开河empty promises;to talk off the cuff心口如一to be fra... [查看全文]
无忧无虑carefree and without worries喜气洋洋jubilant喜闻乐见a delight to see;an attractive spectacle下不为例never again;j... [查看全文]
无动于衷aloof;indifferent;unconcerned无价之宝an object that is priceless or an asset (can also refer to abstract thin... [查看全文]
完璧归赵return sth. to the owner in good condition (lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao)万事如意good luck;best... [查看全文]
螳螂捕蝉be unaware of impending danger;to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger讨价还价bargain;haggl... [查看全文]