水滴石穿constant perseverance yields success (lit. dripping water penetrates the stone)水土不服unaccustomed to a place... [查看全文]
事半功倍more with less;half the work;twice the effect事倍功半twice the effort for half the result十拿九稳very likely... [查看全文]
任重道远a heavy load and a long road;fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle日新月异to change ... [查看全文]
千言万语having much to say;talking nonstop潜移默化imperceptible influence;to influence secretly强词夺理lame arguments;to ... [查看全文]
杞人忧天groundless fears (lit. man of Qǐ fears the sky falling)七上八下uneasiness;in a mess齐心协力to work with a ... [查看全文]
抛砖引玉used to offer a humble remark before distinguished speech (lit. to throw a brick to attract jade)鹏程万里h... [查看全文]
面面俱到cover everything面目一新to change for the better;take on an entirely new look;take care of everything妙语如珠... [查看全文]
络绎不绝continuously;in an endless stream马到成功instant success;beginner’s luck满城风雨talk of the town;a big sca... [查看全文]
乐观进取be positive力不从心the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak;not as strong as one would wish理所当然as i... [查看全文]
空前绝后unprecedented and never to be duplicated;the first and the last;unmatched;unique口是心非saying something that ... [查看全文]