让自己快乐起来今天又是我的受难日.上次种植牙手术只完成了第一期, 一共有三期的, 所以今天上午去了同步齿科做第二期. 上次的手术惨状犹... [查看全文]
Pack up your loved ones 带上至亲至爱我的朋友Vikki总是随身携带有至爱亲人的祷告卡,不管是去澳大利亚广袤的内地欣赏无限风光,还是... [查看全文]
Facing the Enemies within直面内在的敌人Facing the Enemies within直面内在的敌人We are not born with courage, but neith... [查看全文]
幸福是个过程We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another... [查看全文]
人生五十大信条these things matter…1. Listening enough to care and caring enough to listen.2. Being a dreamer but ... [查看全文]
持续了60年的爱(下) On the eighth floor, the floor nurse said, "I think he's still in the day room. He likes t... [查看全文]
redefine yourselfHow do you define yourself?As a mother,daughter,wife,friend,husband,son,teacher,student,lawyer,accountant,... [查看全文]
请不要忘记那看不见的微笑Mr. Dawson was an old grouch, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his... [查看全文]
有爱就能拥有一切A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front ya... [查看全文]
Learning to Laugh At YourselfThe ability to laugh at your own flaws,weaknesses and blunders has long been recogni... [查看全文]