Etiquette of a Gentleman(二)——绅士礼仪(二)The basic of Chivalry In addition to the aforementioned rules(General E... [查看全文]
风雨过后见彩虹-正视困难风雨过后见彩虹-正视困难Every Living Person Has ProblemsWhat is the secret ingredient(要素,因素) of... [查看全文]
最高的期望不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。一个人如果只想把事情做到最低的标准,那么他也许永远不会把一件事情做好;相反,如果事事都指望达... [查看全文]
一枚神奇的戒指One day King Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to ... [查看全文]
生命只有一次There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your ... [查看全文]
On Relationships 青涩恋爱Relationships-----of all kinds-----are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with ... [查看全文]
你绝不能做的事情Dear daughter,亲爱的女儿:You are a wonderful person and your mother and I think the world of you.... [查看全文]
宽恕的艺术To forgive may be divine, but no one ever said it was easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can... [查看全文]
有种旅行叫作人生Life comes in a package Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow,... [查看全文]
Put the glass downPut the glass down A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management... [查看全文]