经典句子:I've got a pumpkin. 我有一个南瓜。Who's gonna make a jack-o'-lantern with me? 谁来和我一起做南瓜灯?Count me... [查看全文]
经典句子:You broke my favorite vase. 你打碎了我最爱的花瓶。You got cross. I'm scared, Mom. 你发脾气了,我害怕,妈妈。I... [查看全文]
经典句子:Have you used my color pencils? 你用过我的彩色铅笔吗?No, what's up? 没有,怎么了?I remember I left them ... [查看全文]
经典句子:Can you come and help, Mom? Time for sleep. 妈妈,能过来帮忙吗?该睡觉了。But I'm occupied now. 但我有点忙... [查看全文]
经典句子:You slept in, honey. 你睡过头了,亲爱的。We might be late for school. 我们可能迟到的。I don't think I can... [查看全文]
经典句子:Are you into any interest classes? 你喜欢什么兴趣班吗?Taekwondo, art, calligraphy, musical instruments ... ... [查看全文]
经典句子:What's your favorite toy? 你最喜欢的玩具是什么?Model plane/Model ship/ Wireless car/Plushy toys/Stuffed toys.... [查看全文]
经典句子:I'm stuffed. 吃撑了。I can't stop burping. 我打饱嗝停不下来。Move around. 四处走走。Do some exercises. 做做运... [查看全文]
经典句子:Mid-Autumn Festival is drawing near. 中秋节就要到了。Look! There is a full moon. 看,一轮满月!It's big and... [查看全文]
经典句子:I am a big(elder)/ little(younger) sister/brother. 我是一个大哥哥/大姐姐/小弟弟/小妹妹。He /She is so little ... [查看全文]