经典句子:Let's plant a tree together.让我们一起种棵树吧。Let's dig a hole in the ground.我们在地上挖个洞。I'll get th... [查看全文]
经典句子:Do you hear the phone ringing? 你听到电话响了吗?I’ll get it. 我来接。Is Pete there? 是Pete吗?No. May... [查看全文]
经典句子:Can I play at Fred's house? 我能到Fred家里玩吗?Mommy will give him a call first. 妈妈先给他打个电话。Let ... [查看全文]
经典句子:Let's grab a bite.我们去吃点东西。What do you recommend? 你觉得吃点什么好呢?Something fast and convenient.又快... [查看全文]
经典句子:The bakery is showing.面包店正在展出(新品)呢。What can I do for you? 需要帮忙吗?I want a cake.我要一个蛋... [查看全文]
经典句子:It has been raining all day long. 雨下了一整天。My baby looks bored.我的宝贝无聊了。I hate to play alone.... [查看全文]
经典句子:I want to ride a scooter.我想骑滑板车。Have your protection on.把护具戴上。Can I not wear the helmet?我能... [查看全文]
经典句子:The rope is too long.绳子太长了。I'll adjust the length.我来调节一下。Keep your back straight.把背挺直。Stand... [查看全文]
经典句子:Can you ride a bike without the training wheels?没有辅助轮的话你会骑自行车吗?Let’s have a try. I&rsquo... [查看全文]
经典句子:Let's play hide-and-seek.让我们玩儿捉迷藏吧。Who will be the seeker?谁来找呢?I'll be the hider. You be the... [查看全文]