Vince Caligiuri / GettyHorses race during the Warrnambool Jumps Carnival at Warrnambool Racing Club on May 4, 202... [查看全文]
Ismail Kaplan / Anadolu Agency / GettyA rainbow appears behind a horse grazing on a green pasture following a r... [查看全文]
Mohammed Abed / AFP / GettyA Palestinian woman walks down steps decorated with vibrant colors in the al-Daraj ne... [查看全文]
Amanda Perobelli / Reuters Brazilian graffiti artist Eduardo Kobra puts the final touches to his mural "Coexiste... [查看全文]
Whether you hanker for a hard hit of caffeine or favor the frothiness of a milky cappuccino, your regular coffe... [查看全文]
Google is saving $1 billion per year as a result of employees working from home因为疫情,谷歌一年节省了10亿美元With... [查看全文]
Youth– A Poem by Samuel Ullman青春——塞缪尔·厄尔曼(王佐良 译)Youth is not a time of life; it is a state o... [查看全文]
如何鉴别谁是你的真朋友? 想必是很多人的困惑。多伦多大学心理学教授乔丹·彼得森(Jordan B. Peterson)在一次演讲中为大家支了两招:第... [查看全文]
对于有些小伙伴来说,越是努力背单词背语法,英语成绩越是难看,倒不如去多读多看些自己喜欢的文章,在文章中培养语感和理解力,下面是小编... [查看全文]
对于有些小伙伴来说,越是努力背单词背语法,英语成绩越是难看,倒不如去多读多看些自己喜欢的文章,在文章中培养语感和理解力,下面是小编... [查看全文]