献给卡迪For Cady你在死亡中探究生命的意义,You that seek what life is in death,你见证生前的呼吸化作死后的空气。Now find i... [查看全文]
序言FOREWORD亚伯拉罕·维基斯Abraham Verghese写下这些文字时,我突然想到,这本书的序言,其实最好作为后记来读,因为涉及保罗·卡拉尼... [查看全文]
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Can Chinese Consumers Replace America's中国消费者与美国消费者的“较量”International trade data could show whether anybo... [查看全文]
Cards to Replace Notes in Our Affections纸币VS信用卡,未来谁主天下Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake ca... [查看全文]
The Wizard of Web Retailing:Jeff Bezos“电子商务教父”杰夫·贝佐斯Jeff Bezos founded Amazon. com in 1995 as an onli... [查看全文]
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The Father of the Overnight Delivery Business:Fred Smith隔夜快递之父:弗里德·史密斯Every night several hundred planes... [查看全文]
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