1.Exercise做运动Staying fit physically keeps the brain in shape too. From maintaining balance to improving coordinat... [查看全文]
1. Being chased 梦到被人追赶Many people report nightmares in which they’re being chased. This is often indica... [查看全文]
1. Take the long view从长远的角度看Discouragement generally occurs when our expectations (what we think should happe... [查看全文]
We care about staying safe during our travels,especially when we take our epicadventures solo.There's no reason... [查看全文]
If you want to express something so unbelievablethat it must have been a special effect, you have anew word to... [查看全文]
India, Bangladesh and China are most at risk fromriver floods, with an increasing number of peoplethreatened becau... [查看全文]
生活中,很多事眨眼间就发生了,可解决起来却没那么简单。这个时候,越是着急,越爱出错,欲速则不达,所谓心急吃不了热豆腐。下面就来看看... [查看全文]
When many of us have a little cash to invest, wemight buy a mutual fund or a stock — if we don’tblow ... [查看全文]
Jack Ma became the richest man in China, when thecompany he founded floated on the stock marketlast year with a... [查看全文]
Chinese actor Wang Xuebing, who starred in lastyear's Golden Bear winner Black Coal, Thin Ice, hasbeen arreste... [查看全文]